Our store is located in charming downtown Los Gatos, CA. When you visit our store, you will find an extensive selection, a helpful and knowledgable staff and a unique shopping experience.
We believe that only the best will do. We are part of a community and many of our customers are like family. We know the importance of little things. Perhaps we are a little old fashioned, but we believe that if you operate a business with integrity, tradition and quality you transcend the ordinary and approach the extraordinary.
We look forward to helping you live a life less ordinary!
With kindness, Claudia

36 North Santa Cruz Avenue . Los Gatos, CA 95030 . Phone: 408-395-1980 . Fax: 408-395-2416
Copyright © 2010 The Maids Quarters. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved.